El amor de un mama

Las madres fueron creidos para cuidad a los ninos

Un mama es alguin que te quida,

Te aman como si fuestes lo mas mejor

Asi es un madre de verdad, 

Algien que va sta con tigo 


Te da lo que mas necesitas

Ser stricta quando debe ser,

Y tambien te ensienyan lo mas que necsitas,

Asi es el regalo que fueran las madres

Asi son las madres de verdad

An intensive to be


For the past week students at the Expeditionary Learning School for Community Leaders(Leaders), have been given a break from their normal curriculum courses and are currently on their last day  of ‘substitute’ classes( intensives). Recently there has been news of a final presentation for each intensive taking place. What form they will take is for the most part unknown. Here is a sample of what one class has been doing for the past week:

Rejuvenation on an educational level at its best.

Rejuvenation on an educational level at its best

Students hard at work for their presentations

Students hard at work for their presentations

Before this class has been visiting colleges within the state of New York and gathering information about how the application process works, now they are seeing what opportunities a full education could give them. Meanwhile others have started to put together their final presentations. Hopefully they will all have put in a great amount of effort to make it so that theirs stand out against the rest!

My precious little things

Describe a little thing — one of the things you love that defines your world but is often overlooked.

Few things can our world never be without,

A sun, who came with a purpose – to never be forgotten;

A moon and stars forming our light when others cannot;

Mountains, towering over our heads to remind us of the promise made – to never go beyond our control;

Water, who in each form it takes can nurse us when needed…

…or give us a fall when we have come to far;

A few settlements here and there to remind us of our company in the world such as ours;

The sunsets and dawns, showing us the hope that has escaped many of others who no longer believe;

Finally come the smiles that have long been our goal.

The purpose we have so long failed to completely provide;

These are the things we can never be without,

What we scourge to protect, to keep and to savor.

The 2013 May 5th festival

Gloria porforming in the Cinco de Mayo parade

Gloria performing in the 2013 Cinco de Mayo concert.

The line was incredibly long. Good thing I have a lot of patience! The concert itself was good. Jenny’s dad was kind enough to perform and Glorias show was by far the best – despite the crowds insistence that I couldn’t hear or see her at all.

A central park carriage

central park carriage sample

Should I? The feathers are incredibly distracting. Hm… maybe not. The pink is too much for me. Plus it seems more like a lovers carriage, so… no. I won’t take my chances and continue the old fashioned way. To the trees!

Destiny, fate or other aliases

What makes people side with or against them/it?

Is there something I can’t see that constantly causes them to have me hide, run,fall or even glide away? Why do they decide where we end up?

Is it not our own choice what we wish to do, or have they  already decided what we are, where we go, how we see what see!

I always end up running in the end, always hiding… everytime.

We are the ones who chose whether or not we’ll let them guide us, or get there on our own.

Which will you